Zero impact boat with Bellmarine electric propulsion

The ITS asd Association, led by the navigator Marco Rossato and his faithful squire Muttley, who

moved from last year to the Molo della Madonnina in Viareggio, from April of this year began its activity of approaching the navigation dedicated to people with mobility difficulties with already 58 people who took part.

“Tornavento, which is a 9.50 meter boat totally accessible and manageable independently by people with disabilities used for these activities, has seen an important refit in the last three years which, thanks to the viareggina start-up MADEIT4A Srl, has allowed us the installation of a gangway to facilitate boarding and a lifting platform that allows access even below deck. But above all thanks to the BELLMARINE-TRANSFLUID company from Gallarate which gave us a gift of a high-performance electric motor that guarantees zero impact with the environment. The Bellmarine-Transfluid solution, with a liquid-cooled 15 kW electric motor, allows eco-sustainable and comfortable navigation also due to the absence of noise.”

They are already working to ensure that other boats and other ports guarantee the opportunity for everyone to experience the sea in freedom, autonomy, safety and ease. The first project of next year will be to touch almost all the ports of the Marine consortium of Tuscany with this boat, to demonstrate that going by sea is possible and easy for everyone.