Since last october, Bellmarine-Transfluid North Europe has moved to the new Headquarters in Houten, thus expanding the space available for production for a more rapid response to customer needs, with warehouses that allow an increase in the material available for sale and with offices suitable for the management of an international market.

Furthermore, the strengthening of the workforce allows increasingly efficient local presence and monitoring in the Netherlands, in order to better meet the needs of customers using Bellmarine-Transfluid systems, and ensures an incisive presence in international markets.

Competence and promptness are the key to satisfying customers.

The attention to quality, both of products and systems and of the service offered, is the company focus that has animated this choice of growth of the structure.

The electric propulsion systems ensure an easy assembly on board or on the industrial vehicle and guarantee an eco-sustainable use of the boats and the vehicles, making it pleasant and silent to sail on the water or to operate along the city streets.

The first international meeting with dealers from various parts of the world took place in Houten: the extensive sales and service network, even during the installation phase, ensures a widespread presence in international markets, guarantees an effective distribution and a valid after sales service.

During the dealers meeting the DNV-GL Type 1 Approval Test 1 with NMA extension for batteries, the new Bellmarine website and the 2020 catalog were presented.