
Electric Propulsion Transfluid-Bellmarine

Transfluid Electric Machines

Industrial Electric System

In the industrial sector, Bellmarine and Transfluid proposals enable personalised products. Thanks to the technology, the quality of the products and simple installation, they can fully meet clients’ various needs, both for new and existing vehicles. The vast network of subsidiaries and distributors guarantee prompt and attentive after-sales support around the world. To jointly assess a proposal suited to your needs, please contact or


Hybrid Propulsion

Transfluid’s Hybrid System easily integrates into traditional propulsion systems assuring an efficient solution to green power and fuel economy.

How it works:

  • Electric propulsion to drive or sail at ZERO emissions and in absolute silence
  • Engine propulsion that uses the electric machine as a generator to recharge batteries
  • Booster” function that allows the electric machine to assist the engine in providing extra torque in the driveline during acceleration.

All operations are controlled via Transfluid’s proprietary electronic controller, the MPCB-R5, which communicates with all equipment through CAN Bus protocol, making the system a simple “plug and play” solution.

Additionally, the electric machine can be mounted in multiple positions in order to provide the best fit for the engine compartment.  All that is required for installation is a short distance between the engine and transmission, this makes it an ideal solution for retrofit and new designs.